
Earned Ice Cream

One of Alex's favourite rewards is to go to McDonald's for ice cream. He loves to go inside the restaurant, make his order at the desk -- he doesn't like the kiosk order stations -- and then try to steal the change from the order. We order an ice cream cone in-a-cup because it is cheaper than a plain sundae, even though there's more stuff -- the cone -- in the in-a-cup. A lot of the counter help doesn't know that, so I'll frequently just pay for the plain sundae because it's less than a dollar and it isn't worth getting upset about. Sometimes we are in McDonald's several times in a week, and you have to wonder what the staff thinks about Daddy bringing his boy for ice cream like every day, which it feels like sometimes -- once it was literally four days in a row. I told Jenn it would be hilarious if she took him once and made him have apple slices or something. But so far, the staff have kept their opinions to themselves, and Alex enjoys every visit.