Since we are, indirectly, on the topic of social media: if you recall, when I last mentioned this I was wondering how to participate in social media in a way that was good for both me and my audience.
My conclusion is that even though my audience is on Twitter and Facebook, I will probably move primary content generation to Google+. But I have a cunning plan to glue everything together.
See, I have located a service that generates RSS feeds from Google+ profiles. I also have, in the past, written a perl script that can post to Twitter (which I have since lost somehow probably when the hard drive in the old Voyager died). Twitter, as you know, can be read by Facebook.
Which means: wi the right perl script, I can post to Google+ and my audience elsewhere will either get the content, or a link to said content. I will still monitor Facebook and Twitter, but for some reason the Google+ experience is making me happiest these days.
Now all I have to do is re-write that perl script. How hard can that be?